

قوانين منتديات أحلى قلب

قوانين خاصة بالتسجيل
  • [ يمنع ] التسجيل بأسماء مخلة للآداب أو مخالفة للدين الإسلامي أو مكررة أو لشخصيات معروفة.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع صور النساء والصور الشخصية وإن كانت في تصاميم أو عروض فلاش.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع روابط لايميلات الأعضاء.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع أرقام الهواتف والجوالات.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع روابط الأغاني أو الموسيقى في المنتدى .
  • [ يمنع ] التجريح في المواضيع أو الردود لأي عضو ولو كان لغرض المزح.
  • [ يمنع ] كتابة إي كلمات غير لائقة ومخلة للآداب.
  • [ يمنع ] نشر عناوين أو وصلات وروابط لمواقع فاضحة أو صور أو رسائل خاصة لا تتناسب مــع الآداب العامة.
  • [ يمنع ] الإعــلان في المنتدى عن أي منتج أو موقع دون الرجوع للإدارة.

شروط المشاركة
  • [ تنويه ]الإلتزام بتعاليم الشريعة الاسلامية ومنهج "اهل السنة والجماعة" في جميع مواضيع المنتدى وعلى جميع الإخوة أن يتقوا الله فيما يكتبون متذكرين قول المولى عز وجل ( ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد)
    وأن يكون هدف الجميع هو قول الله سبحانه وتعالى (إن أريد إلا الإصلاح ما استطعت).
  • [ يمنع ] الكتابة عما حرم الله عز وجل وسنة النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم .
  • [ يمنع ] التعرض لكل ما يسىء للديانات السماوية أي كانت أو ما يسيء لسياسات الدول .
  • [ يمنع ] عرض الإيميلات في المواضيع والردود .
  • [ يمنع ] التدخل في شؤون إدارة الموقع سواء في قراراتها أو صلاحيتها أو طريقة سياستها .
  • [ يمنع ] الإستهزاء بالمشرفين أو الإدارة بمجملها .
  • [ يمنع ] التعرض لأي شخص بالإهانة أو الإيذاء أو التشهير أو كتابة ما يتعارض مع القوانين المتعارف عليها .
  • [ يمنع ] التسجيل في المنتديات لهدف طرح إعلانات لمواقع أو منتديات أخرى .
  • [ يمنع ] طرح أي شكوى ضد أي مشرف أو عضو علناً ، و في حال كان لا بد من الشكوى .. راسل المدير العام من خلال رسالة خاصة .
  • [ يمنع ] استخدام الرسائل الخاصة لتبادل الكلام المخل للآداب مثل طلب التعارف بين الشباب و الفتيات أو الغزل وإن إكتشفت الإدارة مثل هذه الرسائل سوف يتم إيقاف عضوية كل من المُرسِل والمُرسَل إليه ما لم يتم إبلاغ المدير العام من قبل المُرسَل إليه والرسائل الخاصة وضعت للفائدة فقط .
  • [ يجب ] احترام الرأي الآخر وعدم التهجم على الأعضاء بأسلوب غير لائق.
  • عند كتابة موضوع جديد يرجى الابتعاد عن الرموز والمد الغير ضروري مثل اأآإزيــــآء هنـــديـــه كـــيـــوووت ~ يجب أن تكون أزياء هندية كيوت
  • يرجى عند نقل موضوع من منتدى آخر تغيير صيغة العنوان وتغيير محتوى الأسطر الأولى من الموضوع

ضوابط استخدام التواقيع
  • [ يمنع ] وضع الموسيقى والأغاني أو أي ملفات صوتية مثل ملفات الفلاش أو أي صور لا تتناسب مع الذوق العام.
  • [ يجب ] أن تراعي حجم التوقيع , العرض لا يتجاوز 550 بكسل والارتفاع لا يتجاوز 500 بكسل .
  • [ يمنع ] أن لا يحتوي التوقيع على صورة شخصية أو رقم جوال أو تلفون أو عناوين بريدية أو عناوين مواقع ومنتديات.
  • [ يمنع ] منعاً باتاً إستخدام الصور السياسية بالتواقيع , ومن يقوم بإضافة توقيع لشخصية سياسية سيتم حذف التوقيع من قبل الإدارة للمرة الأولى وإذا تمت إعادته مرة أخرى سيتم طرد العضو من المنتدى .

الصورة الرمزية للأعضاء
  • [ يمنع ] صور النساء المخلة بالأدب .
  • [ يمنع ] الصور الشخصية .

مراقبة المشاركات
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف التعديل على أي موضوع مخالف .
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف نقل أي موضوع إلى قسم أخر يُعنى به الموضوع .
  • [ يحق ] للإداريين نقل أي موضوع من منتدى ليس من إشرافه لأي منتدى أخر إن كان المشرف المختص متغيب .
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف حذف أي موضوع ( بنقلة للأرشيف ) دون الرجوع لصاحب الموضوع إن كان الموضوع مخالف كلياً لقوانين المنتدى .
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف إنـذار أي عضو مخالف وإن تكررت الإنذارات يخاطب المدير العام لعمل اللازم .

ملاحظات عامة
  • [ يمنع ] كتابة مواضيع تختص بالوداع أو ترك المنتدى وعلى من يرغب في ذلك مخاطبة الإدارة وإبداء الأسباب.
  • [ تنويه ] يحق للمدير العام التعديل على كل القوانين في أي وقت.
  • [ تنويه ] يحق للمدير العام إستثناء بعض الحالات الواجب طردها من المنتدى .

تم التحديث بتاريخ 19\09\2010
شاهد أكثر
شاهد أقل

Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD v.5.1.2 Unofficial Build

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD v.5.1.2 Unofficial Build

    Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD v.5.1.2 Unofficial Build (ENG/RUS/2013) | 3.11 GB
    Multiboot disk system administrator based on the loader BOOTMGR (Windows 8), Isolinux / Syslinux v.4.06 and Grub4Dos
    v.0.4.5c. The CD consists of a large number of products, PhD, a shell with vozmozhnost boot c CD / DVD, USB Flash
    Drive, USB-HDD and conventional HDD.

    The main purpose - preparing HDD, OS installation (with vozmozhnostyu install Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 - Utilities
    WinNTSetup, installation packages in an assembly are not included!), creation / deployment system images, restore /
    copy data, resuscitation of the operating system and recovery boot, clearing the OS from viruses / trojans and
    blockers / pornobannerov, testing the basic components of MS, and more. There is a support network vozmozhnost to the
    Internet and multimedia support. There vozmozhnostyu use most programs of the assembly as a "portable" (fully
    portable, they are not, it's just self-extracting into a marketing-TEMP directory with autoenrollment) and convenient
    way to connect a software package assembly for use in a conventional operating system or other PE builds.
    List of programs in assembly
    - USB-driver PLOP v.5.0.11
    - C9PE Plus Pack 2k10
    - WinPE 7x86 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
    - WinPE 7x64 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
    - WinPE 8x86 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
    - WinPE 8x64 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
    - Parted Magic 2013.09.26 / Linux Live-CD /
    - Linux-version of Acronis DDS v.10.2169 (rus)
    - Linux-version of Acronis DDH v.11.0.2343.2 (rus)
    - Linux-version of Acronis TIES v.9.7.8398 (rus)
    - Linux-version of Acronis TIH Plus Pack 2013 v.16.0.6514 (rus)
    - Linux-version of Acronis B & RW v.11.5.37613 (rus)
    - Linux-version of Acronis Snap Deploy 4.0.540 (rus)
    - Linux-version of Acronis Align Tool for WD / Hitachi v.2.0.154 (eng)
    - Linux-version of Paragon HDM 12 v. (rus)
    - Linux-version of Paragon HE 2009 v. (rus)
    - Linux-version of Paragon Alignment Tool v.4.0 (eng)
    - Linux-version of MiniTool Partition Wizard Technician Edition v.7.8 (eng)
    - Linux-version of R-Studio Emergency Network v.5.4.506 (eng)
    - Linux-version of R-Drive Image v.4.7.4737 (eng)
    - Linux-version of TeraByte Image for Linux v.2.82 (eng)
    - DOS-version of Acronis DDS v.10.2169 (rus)
    - DOS-version of Acronis TIES v.9.7.8398 (rus)
    - DOS-version of Paragon HDM 12 v. (rus)
    - DOS-version of Hiren's Boot CD 15.2 (rus)
    - Wide range of different DOS-utilities and much more.
    How to create a bootable DVD or USB-Flash/USB-HDD
    1. For CD / DVD:
    You need a program for recording images - for example, Nero Burning ROM. Run the program, Recorder -> Burn Image,
    specify the image file, make sure that it was noted "Finalize Disc" and the method of recording "Disc-At-Once (DAO)".
    Disc recording with the other settings will not boot! Nero also recommended to "Enable generation of short Lead-Out"
    (File -> Options -> Expert Features), it reduces the recording time, speed up the recognition of the compact and
    slightly increase the "capacity" blanks. Write speed - the minimum within reasonable limits. Recommend 8-16x for CD-
    ROM or 4 - to DVD. Principle is slower write -> faster (reliable) read out.
    You can also use other programs that can record images (for example, UltraISO, Alcohol 120, ...).

    2. Setting build on the stick:
    Attention! Many utilities (for example, the standard windows format) are not fully formatted USB flash drive, they see
    that it is, and do not touch the land, which they seem to be correct. Therefore, it is advisable to stick to clear,
    for example using RMPrepUSB, HDD Low Level Format Tool or run a test to record any of the utilities FlashNull, Check
    Flash, HD Tune Pro, Flash Memory Toolkit Pro, it is guaranteed to kill the layout and formatting make the program do
    everything from scratch . After cleaning, be sure to "distort" the stick, after formatting and perform its validation
    using CheckDisk (2k10 Programs-2k10 HDD-Utilites ). When bugs repeat cleaning stick and formatting. If you use
    formatting with BootICE -> Parts Manage -> ReFormat USB disk, then it is superfluous operation. BootICE when
    formatting automatically makes cleaning.
    2.1 USB flash drive, you must first format (Warning: All data on the flash drive will be destroyed). It is necessary
    to flash drive was seen as Bios USB-HDD, with which you can boot the operating system. If the flash drive / propeller
    has been used as a boot, you can skip this paragraph. Stick is recommended to format a FAT32 (on the filesystem it
    works longer and more stable), but, if necessary, you can use NTFS (faster "kills" the stick, requires a "safe
    removal", but supports files larger than 4GB). This is best done using RMPrepUSB (is in the assembly on the way 2k10
    Programs-2k10 Flash-Utilites RMPrepUSB or from the menu P2Start.exe "Programs 2k10 USB-Flash utility"). This utility
    can create as close as possible to the screw geometry on a flash drive. If you select Boot as HDD (C: 2PTNS), on a
    flash drive will be created two partitions (half the minimum for maximum simulation screws). But I do not recommend
    using this option, this flash drive will "hang" appliances (TVs with flash player, players, etc.). Quite enough to do,
    as shown.
    Alternative methods format the flash (instead of 2.1)
    2.1.1 Format the USB flash drive using HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (is in the assembly on the way 2k10 Programs-
    2k10 Flash-Utilites HPUSBFW or in the menu under USB-Flash utility), you can use the quick format. Some PCs may not
    work (on a flash drive is connected correctly loader). If it works, you can use both for FAT32, and for NTFS.
    2.1.2 Format the USB flash drive using BootICE (2k10 Programs-2k10 Flash-Utilites BootICE ) ... We recommend
    formatting so: BootICE (select flash) -> Parts Manage -> ReFormat USB disk -> USB-HDD mode (Single Partition) - Align
    to sectors: 2048 -> Next -> FAT32 (NTFS) -> OK. Also does not always work, I - the loader is connected correctly only
    under NTFS.
    2.1.3 Use FBInstTool (2k10 Programs-2k10 Flash-Utilites FBInstTool ). Utility for custom formatting flash drives,
    creates a framework of a special type (USB-ZIP or USB-HDD). Select the USB flash drive (focus on size!), Noted in the
    formatting options:-raw-force, format.
    2.1.4 Use the script FlashFormat_2k10_FBinst (2k10 Programs-2k10 Flash-Utilites FlashFormat_2k10_FBinst ). Utility for
    custom formatting flash drives, creates a framework of a special type (USB-ZIP + USB-HDD). Select the USB flash drive
    (focus on size!), Use method 7. RAW FORMAT, format.
    The script automatically reconnects the stick so "juggle" it after formatting is not necessary.
    2.1.5 To format the flash with automatic connection loader XORBOOT recommended to use scripts:
    a) FlashFormat_2k10_FBinst - one way (up to 2GB flash drive under FAT16) or method 2 (4-32GB flash drive for FAT32).
    Support for USB-ZIP. On older systems will be loaded only WinXP-PE.
    b) FlashFormat_2k10_FBinst - 5 way (up to 2GB flash drive under FAT16) or a method 6 (4-32GB flash drive for FAT32).
    Support for USB-ZIP + USB-HDD. On older systems will only boot Win7-PE.
    a) FlashFormat_2k10_RMprep - apply if the required support NTFS, use method 5 (stick of any size). Only support USB-
    Scripts automatically reconnect the USB flash drive so "juggle" it after formatting is not necessary.
    Scripts can be used both OS and assembly under (any) they will connect automatically XORBOOT in the MBR (sector 63,
    PBR is ignored.) Immediately after formatting the flash drive, you can check for bootable (startup XORBOOT) under any
    Dev (eg, MobaLive).
    2.2 After formatting, remove the USB flash drive and connect again.
    2.3 It is necessary to add to the stick assembly files - files and folder 2k10 bootmgr.efi and P2Start.exe. Bootmgr
    file on a flash drive / HDD is not used, so it is not copied. They can be unpacked from the image using 7-zip, WinRar,
    Total Commander, FAR, UltraISO or copy any of the installed Dev for CD / DVD virtual disk to the root of the stick. If
    you format the stick produced scripts - bootable media ready (loader XORBOOT connected).
    Faster to first unpack the image contents to a temporary folder on the screw, and then copy all of it on the stick -
    repeatedly verified experience. You can also mount the image as a virtual CD-ROM and copy of it - the effect is the
    same. If the creation of the stick is made under the loaded assembly, convenient to mount the image using ImDisk (RMB
    on the way, "Mount ...").
    The main loader, if you wish, you can set / change at any time, as in a conventional operating system or under any
    PE-assembly (for connection downloaders meet blouses MakeBoot_HHH.bat folder 2k10, where XXX - loader).
    2.4 Using a bootloader Syslinux for flash drives:
    Need to make a bootable USB flash drive. Go to the folder 2k10 on the flash drive and run MakeBoot_SYSLINUX.bat. This
    batch file will make the drive bootable. Note that MakeBoot_SYSLINUX.bat need to run it from a flash drive (he defines
    on the drive letter). After working batch file your flash drive ready for use.
    Under Windows Vista/7/8, if enabled UAC, must be pre-set in the properties file attrib.exe (2k10 Syslinux attrib.exe)
    Run as administrator! After working batch file your flash drive has become the boot (in the folder 2k10 Syslinux
    create a boot file ldlinux.sys (attributes: hidden / system).
    Possible errors:
    "Syslinux.exe" is not an internal or external command, operable program or batch file - appears when you try to start
    the batch file under the x64 version of Windows. For proper working out need 32-bit version (Windows
    2000/XP/2003/Vista/W7). One possible solution - to make on other computer or burn the image to a CD, boot from it and
    do everything from the LiveXP.
    2.5 Using the Loader Grub4Dos for flash drives:
    Need to make a bootable USB flash drive. Go to the folder 2k10 on the flash drive and run MakeBoot_GRLDR.bat. This
    batch file will make the drive bootable. Note that MakeBoot_GRLDR.bat need to run it from a flash drive (he defines on
    the drive letter). After working batch file your flash drive ready for use.
    Under Windows Vista/7/8, if enabled UAC, must be pre-set in the properties file BSmod.exe (2k10 GRUB4DOS OTHER
    BSmod.exe) Run as administrator!
    This is not the only way to install the boot loader Grub4Dos, but one of the most "compatible" for downloading. The
    loading is identical to that used for BOOTMGR (Vista/7/8), in the boot area using the same registration (only under
    the name GRUBMGR adjusted to avoid overlap with other assemblies / installer / ...).
    2.6 Using the Loader BOOTMGR for flash drives:
    Need to make a bootable USB flash drive. Go to the folder 2k10 on the flash drive and run MakeBoot_BOOTMGR.bat. This
    batch file will make the drive bootable. Note that MakeBoot_BOOTMGR.bat need to run it from a flash drive (he defines
    on the drive letter). After working batch file your flash drive ready for use.
    Under Windows Vista/7/8, if enabled UAC, must be pre-set in the properties file BootSect.exe (2k10 GRUB4DOS OTHER
    BootSect.exe) Run as administrator!
    This is the standard way to connect to the loader using MicroSoft c BootSect. However, if desired, the loader can also
    be connected via BootICE.
    2.7 Using the Loader XORBOOT for flash drives:
    Need to make a bootable USB flash drive. Go to the folder 2k10 on the flash drive and run MakeBoot_XORBOOT.bat. This
    batch file will make the drive bootable. Note that MakeBoot_BOOTMGR.bat need to run it from a flash drive (he defines
    on the drive letter). After working batch file your flash drive ready for use. After working batch file will be
    registered in the MBR loader XORBOOT, the menu of which will build all loaders (BOOTMGR, Grub4Dos and Syslinux) and a
    few "bonus". Installing bootloader in the MBR only allows for better bootable on the new PC and allows rapid access to
    any loader.
    3.Installation on USB-HDD/HDD:
    3.1 Screw you want to format any program on the breakdown of HDD, create a primary active / boot partition is the
    right size (at least 2GB). Choose the file system FAT32, but, if necessary, you can use NTFS.
    If the HDD is used for parallel data transfer is convenient to split it as follows: make two primary partitions (if
    needed - can be more partitions, but certainly the first and last, for assembly - primary, in the middle can be
    logical). Format the first partition to fit your needs in FAT32/NTFS / ..., the size of the screw container minus 3-
    5GB. The second (or last section, for assembly) - certainly do active / bootable under FAT32. This section establishes
    the assembly. Why so Preferred - if you will need to delete the partition with the assembly, or, conversely, increase
    the space under this section, the operation will be quickly made using virtually any manager disks without data loss
    in the first sections.
    3.2 is copying the assembly to the active partition HDD (similar to 2.3) and connect the loader (pp.2.4-2.7).
    Connecting bootloader Syslinux to HDD takes place in a second pass MakeBoot_SYSLINUX.bat (in the first - only flash),
    read the hint!
    Under Windows Vista/7/8 run a batch file with administrator privileges!
    Alternative methods of using the loader Grub4Dos using BootICE (2012) for flash drives / HDD:
    1. Loader WEE. Placed fully in the MBR (PBR ignored), occupies 63 sectors (nestandartno!). There are built-in menu
    (you can edit at installation), allows you to find and load NTLDR, BOOTMGR, GRLDR, ... In connection with the non-
    standard is not recommended for universal flash, but very useful, for example, as a Boot-manager on the system drive.
    2. GRUB4DOS in the MBR (PBR ignored), occupies 18 sectors (nestandartno!). Immediately launches GRLDR. In connection
    with the non-standard is not recommended for universal stick.
    3A. USB-HDD + in MBR, registration GRUB4DOS in PBR. Not a bad option, and put runs on most flash drives, especially
    suitable for FAT32.
    3B. USB-HDD + in MBR, NTLDR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory on the
    NTLDR, or specify the name of GRLDR at registration in PBR (see picture). Not a bad option, similar 3A.
    3C. USB-HDD + in MBR, BOOTMGR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory on the
    BOOTMGR, or specify the name of GRLDR (or GRUBMGR assembly) when registration in PBR. Not a bad option, similar 3A.
    4B. Windows NT 5.x MBR in MBR, NTLDR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory
    on the NTLDR, or specify the name of GRLDR at registration in PBR (see picture). Good option for bootability on
    different hardware, but rarely on the stick works (depending on chip flash), Especially under FAT32.
    5C. Windows NT 6.x MBR in MBR, BOOTMGR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory
    on the BOOTMGR, or specify the name of GRLDR (or GRUBMGR assembly) when registration in PBR. A great option for
    bootability on different hardware, for some stick may not work under FAT32 (depends on chip flash). Implemented in
    batch file builds 2.6.0/2.6.1.
    My recommendation: for flash drives, unless you want to transfer files larger than 4GB try to install batch file,
    check the boot in MobaLive. If does not work - use NTFS + batch file or installation option using BootICE - 3C (3A, 3B
    - they are virtually identical) to FAT32.
    Information about the software
    Year: 20.12.2013
    Name: Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD
    Version: v. 5.1.2 Unofficial Build
    Developer: conty9 / Viktor Kisel
    Language: English / Russian
    Medicine: Not required (the installer is already disinfected)
    Size: 3.25 GB

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